Tag Archives: bookdepository

Words, you have a way with me

Currently reading: The Elegance of the Hedgehog

I had no idea what this novel will be like nor what it’s about. I kept seeing it on goodreads and the title was so interesting that when I saw it on bookdepository.com, I had to buy it.

I got it on the mail about half a year ago and only got to reading it yesterday.

Words – it uses so many words. It is so wordy that I am enjoying reading it out loud. I enjoy reading and saying words out loud so much that I sometimes read an entire page without understanding anything. This book was originally written in french and I’m very curious to know if it sounds just as beautiful to read these chapters in French.

I don’t know what it is with words that just make me want to keep reading them, and reading them out loud. I love reading new words, complicated and with so many syllables that they sound so sexy. I love reading sentences that sound so profound or meaningful even though I end up not understanding any of it. I enjoy the feel of my tongue as they roll and click and meet with my teeth as I try to pronounce the words on these pages. I love the sound words make and I love it even more when they were written with that exact intention – to make you fall in love with them.

If I can marry words, I would.

Yes, call me a dork, a geek, whatever you want to call me. The reason I enjoy getting lost in books, is not just because they take me to another world that the author has created, but it takes me to another world – one I’ve created. Where I read these words so perfectly as if I was reading to someone who enjoys hearing the music words make just as much as I do.

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